Or so it seemed last week. My crocuses and tulips were peeking out of the ground and the warm air was melting snow and ice, but a few days ago, the weather turned and we're stuck in another deep freeze. I'm back to wearing extra layers of clothing when I walk the dog, but I have refused to bring my boots back upstairs, despite the dusting of snow outside.

An inspection of my garden indicated that the crocuses and tulips have shrunk back into the group.  I can't say that I blame them, although I've never seen them do that before.  

I can hear birds singing outside my window that's open a crack. Last Wednesday, I saw my first robin of the season, but my dear friend, Jacqueline, who lives in Toronto, saw her first robin on March 8th, outside her home. He sang a beautiful serenade and she said, 'Had I been a lady robin, I would have rushed to his side.' As a published poet, magical words roll off her tongue. I just clapped my hands when I saw my robin. Of course I told him how wonderful it was to see him, believing that spring had finally arrived. How sad he looked perched in the bare tree, watching us walk by.

I had started to plan the changes I will make to the gardens this spring, but it looks as though they will be delayed awhile longer. For now, the dreams of turning the earth and transplanting perennials will have to wait for another day.

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